Organic rice, good quality from Surin farmers


Fairtrade is a movement that emphasizes fairness and humanity between buyers and sellers of goods in an important context. Support international standards in labor, environment, and society for goods and services. Especially those from developing countries to developed countries. The operation is voluntary but under the Compulsion of international fairtrade organizations. There are many products that can receive the FAIRTRADE logo, such as agricultural products such as fruits, spices, flowers, rice, honey, beverages, sugar, cotton products, and wooden furniture is included.

FAIRTRADE STANDARD The FAIRTRADE LOGO was created by the independent organization FAIRTRADE International. Used as a product quality certification mark according to FAIRTRADE standards set by the organization. This can be mainly divided into 3 aspects: 1. Environmental standards, for example, products must come from production that doesn’t destroy nature. Products that don’t contain GMO ingredients 2. Trade standards include maintaining market prices and Long-term trading between manufacturers and suppliers. Requiring middlemen to help farmers financially before the harvest season. 3. Social standards such as fair employment, prohibition of child labor, and cooperation in various social projects.

Fairtrade and You

You are the heart of the fairtrade system. Fairtrade’s job is to create a fairtrade system for farmers and workers like you. Fairtrade allows you to develop your business to improve your and your community’s better in the future.

The Merchandise with your Fairtrade logo Consumers worldwide chooses products with the Fairtrade logo because they know the producers like you will receive take care and fair money.

Benefits you will get 1. The minimum price set by Fairtrade is a fair and stable price for your product. 2. Premium fairtrade money to allow you to improve society or expand your business. 3. Have a voice in your decisions, including deciding how to use fairtrade premium money. 4. The workers have work and well-being 5. Create new opportunities for your goods. 6. Lending money in advance provides your organization with pre-harvest payments.

Participation in Fairtrade the organization must pass the core standards of Fairtrade and must develop themselves as well. The standards Fairtrade applies are about social, environmental, and economic development so you can get the most out of it. FLOCERT is responsible for auditing your group to make sure your group has met the standards. You and your buyer must be screened before you can sell products in fairtrade.

Summary of Fairtrade Standards

  •  If you are a smallholder farmer, you must incorporate into a group or organization, such as a cooperative.
  • If you are a farm worker who wants to join Fairtrade, you will also be involved in the management of the organization, and you will also benefit from fairtrade.
  • You can’t exclude or stratified by race, gender, or other
  • Your farmers or workers can take part in decisions about your organization including the use of premium fairtrade money.
  • You will get transparency and honesty in this business.
  • You must take care of the environment.
  • Your organization must treat workers fairly and comply with international labor rights laws.

 We work to help you. Fairtrade Standards Organization (FLO) and Supplier Support and Liaison Unit (PSR). The PSR team will work with you to pass FLOCERT’s standards.
The district coordinator will be there to help you. The FLO will ask for your feedback to help make the system and standards appropriate for the farmer.

Fairtrade and OASIS

Organic Agriculture Social Enterprise Innovators of Surin Province (OASIS) was formed by the merger of community enterprises of smallholder farmers for the production of agricultural products in the organic system and fairtrade

Premium Fairtrade Prize money received in addition to the agreed product price. It will help producers to capitalize on investments in education, health, and improving farm facilities to increase income.

Premium Fairtrade Development Fund’s Oasis

The Fairtrade Premium Development Fund is a fund derived from the premium fairtrade margin from clients. For the organization’s development and to help society Establishment of the Premium Fairtrade Development Fund with a development-oriented approach that benefits everyone’s environment and cost-effective resource management on 5 objectives

1. To promote learning.

2. To encourage and develop production structures, factors, and tools

3. To fund welfare.

4. To develop the organization

5. To disseminate knowledge on fairtrade

How to use the Premium Fairtrade Development Fund

Step 1 Survey the needs of members/farmer groups in the area/workers.
Step 2 Make a proposed plan project and activity.
Step 3 Evaluate and consider project/activity plans by the Premium Fairtrade Fund Committee and the OASIS Committee.
Step 4 Notify the results of consideration to members/farmer groups/workers.
Step 5 Gather propose project/activity that passes the consideration to be presented in the general meeting.
Step 6: The general meeting approves the project/activity plan.
Step 7 Support the budget for implementing the project/activity plan.
Step 8 Implement the project/activity plan.
Step 9 Summarize and report the results of the project/activity plan. At the next general meeting