Organic rice, good quality from Surin farmers

Laser Land Leveling 2024

Laser Land Leveling 2024 Objective  Having leveled fields across the entire plot will improve water management, which in turn will make weed control more convenient and create opportunities to increase rice production in farmers’ fields. In 2024, rice field adjustments have been carried out for 50 farmers from 11 groups, total area of 265 rai …

“OASIS, a sustainable path” media production

“OASIS, a sustainable path” media production Media production  It is the production of media from the “Organic bonuses 2023” event, which content is: 1. “Organic agriculture and climate change” by MR. Witoon Panyakul” (organic agriculture expert) 2. Payment of organic bonuses OASIS in 2023. July 2023  Location: Surin Teachers Savings Cooperative meeting room  Produce 4…

“2023 Field visit” media production

“OASIS, a sustainable path” media production Media production  It is the production of media from the “Organic bonuses 2023” event, which content is: 1. “Organic agriculture and climate change” by MR. Witoon Panyakul” (organic agriculture expert) 2. Payment of organic bonuses OASIS in 2023. July 2023  Location: Surin Teachers Savings Cooperative meeting room  Produce 4…

Group meetingNotification of organic agricultural standard certification results

Group meeting Notification of organic agricultural standard certification results Notification of organic agricultural standard certification results Meeting to report results and certification with member farmers. OASIS to let farmers know the results of their own organic agricultural standard certification in each plot. To inform the purchase price of organic Fairtrade paddy products for the year…

Parallel crop inspection for production year 2023/2024

Parallel crop inspection for production year 2023/2024 Objective  To inspect the production process of farmers in the project To assist and correct deficiencies or risks of violating organic agricultural standards.   Attendee 143 farmers  4 internal farm inspectors    Operation  Date: 20 – 29 December 2023   Detail Training on organic farming standards Training in…

Field visit to assess farmer’s farming, fairtrade and environmental activities practice

Field visit to assess farmer’s farming, fairtrade and environmental activities practice Objective  To assess the organic farming, Fairtrade and environmental activities of farmers in the project to ensure they meet the requirements of organic and Fairtrade standards. To help and correct deficiencies or risks of violating organic standards, Fairtrade and the environment of farmers in…

Farm inspection techniques training

Farm inspection techniques training Objective  To create an understanding of organic farming requirements To create understanding and be able to inspect farms effectively   Attendee 19 internal farm inspectors, 1 ICS manager,  2 extension staff Speaker: Mr. Witoon Panyakul, organic agriculture expert   Operation  Date: 29-30 August 2023 at OASIS family    Detail Training on…

Organic plot inspector training

Organic plot inspector training Objective  To create an understanding of organic and Fairtrade regulations. To develop knowledge skills on organic and Fairtrade standards for farmers, internal farm inspectors and organic certification committee members.   Attendee 20 inspectors 1 ICS manager  4 extension staff    Operation  22 August 2023 at OASIS family    Detail  Personal method…

Inspection from an external agency (Ceres)

Inspection from an external agency (Ceres) Objective  To meet organic/Fairtrade standards In order to receive certification from external agencies It is a requirement of organic farming standards.   Operation  30 October – 8 November 2023 Location: Oasis Family Company, Kiat Apadet Rice Mill, Thana Rice Mill, OASIS Contents of the examination: Inspect processing and packaging…